EMI Congress
Sixth of "International Entrepreneurship and Social Sciences Congress" will be organized on 16-18 September 2021 in collaboration with Varna Free University in Bulgaria, International Gorjde University, University of Prizren, CEOTEKMER, İstanbul Kent University, International Vision University, Cyprus West University, Dilkur Academy, Suffolk University, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Central Asian American University and Yessenov University.
The language of congress are English & Turkish. Academics and entrepreneurs from Turkey, N.Macedonia, Canada, Quatar, UK, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Romania, Bangladesh, UAE, TRNC and other countries will attend the congress.
The congress will take place on Varna (Bulgaria) and there is possible as an online presentation. To attend the congress, an extended abstract of 4-8 pages should be submitted. Deadline is 15 August 2021.
We are honored with the participation of respected scientists like you...

Keynote Speakers

Prof.Dr. Mustafa TÜMER
Eastern Mediterranean University
Prof. Dr. CihanÇobanoğlu
University of South Florida
Prof. Dr. Murat YALÇINTAŞ
BMC CEOPresident of Congress

Prof. Dr. Himmet KARADAL
Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dababrata CHOWDHURY
University of SuffolkGuest Speakers

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Elira TURDUBAEVA
American University of Central Asia (Kirghizistan)
Dr. Siham El-Kafafi
University of Waikato (New Zeland)
Dr. Dumitru GOLDBACH
Valahia University of Târgoviste (Romania)
Nurettin KAYNAR
President of Silifke Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Assoc.Prof. YAVUZ AKÇİ
Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University